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I have been an outdoor enthusiast my whole life, you can say that I was born into the life of a hunter, and I thank God for every part of that. Growing up I have seen the camouflage industries change so much. From the old blotchy green, black, and brown blobs to the most computer enhanced highly definitional images possible. As I developed into an avid hunter of all game species, I became passionate about camouflage clothing. I have owned probably every different type of camouflage pattern that was ever made. It got to a point that when somebody asked me what my favorite color was, my answer would be camouflage. When I got married I infected my wife with this wonderful disease for the love of the outdoors and camouflage, yes our wedding was in camo.
My passion for the outdoors lead me to get my degree in Range and Wildlife Management, and become a Wildlife Biologist. During this time I had the opportunity to work as a hunting guide on a very well known ranch in South Texas. This is where my passion for hunting and camouflage lead me to my development of Hidden Antler™ Camouflage. During my time as a hunting guide, I had the opportunity to observe wildlife day in and day out. I started to see how deer, dove, quail, and hogs responded to different types of cover, and the camouflage patterns that the hunters, and my self were wearing. This went on for years until one day I thought to my self, what if there was a natural camouflage pattern that was not painted, airbrushed, digitalized, or computer enhanced, but just natural. This is when I decided to develop Hidden Antler™ Camouflage. This camouflage is made with factual images of real vegetation and antlers to create an honest and real camouflage. Don’t take my word for it; try Hidden Antler™ for yourself.
Brandon Key
Wildlife Biologist
Hidden Antler ™